Monday, January 3, 2022


 Will is sick. Matt has a headache. Mark is tired. Me - I have a cold. But everything is "Must be Covid" sung to the toon of Must be Santa. Matt has to be tested tomorrow in order to go back to school on Sunday, so I guess we'll find out via his test if the rest of us also have it. 

I'm so tired of analyzing symptoms. Feeling like we have to hide away unless we are 100% feeling fine. 

I don't want to be sick or have my family be sick, but I also don't want to run and hide everytime we sneeze. Life is good days and bad days. 

I'd rather focus on the good.

Sunday, January 2, 2022

2022 A Start

 Last year is a time I wish I would have kept up with this blog. So much drama. Everything with AJ. Everyone warned me about him, but against my better judgement I trusted and he stabbed me in the back. He started complaining behind my back about how I run things. That led to Tina talking about me behind my back. It turned into a twisted trail of AJ complaining to Tina, Tina told Amy, Amy told Trish, Trish told Lisa to tell me whatever her solution to whatever AJ complained about. 

Summer was a threat to my mental and physical health. "They" had me try to figure out licensing and interfered on a daily basis. We had to tear down nearly every weekend for rentals. I worked at least 11 hours a day every week day. 

It was impossible to honor my last year's word of One. I wanted to focus on one word at a time. They made it impossible.

My word this year is TRyAngle. 

The Y symbol is a Triangle. Spirit, Mind, and Body. 

I'm going to try a different angle in how I approach my life. 

I will focus on health. I will lose the weight and get in shape. Give myself the best shot at keeping cancer at bay. 

I will write more. Read the books we buy. Spend less time mindless scrolling. More time researching and writing down the genealogy for my family to share while everyone is still around to read it. 

I will take time to focus on the Spirit and how it influences my life. 

I will try a different angle and if that doesn't work, I will try a different angle after that. 

I'm planning to leave the Kokomo Y at the end of the 21st Century program in June. What comes after that, I don't know. 

Here's to new beginnings.