Thursday, February 1, 2018


I'm going to try an experiment. For the month of February I am going to try a theme of Gripes and Grins. Odd days will be things that frustrate me, and make me question the validity of process. Even days will be to celebrate the positive and praise the things that are going well.

Today is an odd day and my topic is trauma.

There have been a few issues this week that make this the topic I wanted to touch on first. Of course I can't go into specifics, but I can comment on our response to it.

We "only" have about 350 students so a half time counselor is plenty, right?

Students who put themselves to bed don't need emotional support.

Kids whose parents have divorced and had more children with someone they may or may not have married don't need emotional support.

Kids who are experiencing loss or illness of family members don't need emotional support.

Children of parents who are too busy dealing with their own lives to put the work into raising them, don't need emotional support.

Children of parents who think unlimited screens, tv in their rooms to help them sleep, and horror movies as normal viewing, don't need emotional support.

Instead what they need are computers and technology for each of them because that is the world they will be living in.

Instead what they need are teachers who are trained in how to use technology and how teach to the test instead of how to work and teach children who may live in trauma.

Instead what they need is secrecy to avoid law suits about divulging too much information about the trauma they are going through.

Because everyone knows that trauma is easy to deal with alone -- especially when you have no skills to do so.

Priorities people.

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