The word I chose for my One Little Word was an amalgamation of three words.
Our oldest was graduating High School, was getting a job for the summer, learning to drive, and going to college. So many Rites of passage.
So much was happening at school, in our district, and in the world --and the older I get, the stronger my opinion and the bolder I am in stating my opinion -- what I feel is Right.
And I want to Write it all down. All of it. From my thoughts and opinions on what is happening in the world today to what is happening in my world and even working on my family's past through genealogy.
I really took to heart the part about speaking up about what I feel is right. Not in a demanding way but in a way that hoped for discourse and only when my opinion was invited. I learned that honest opinions are not welcome. In my performance review on day 170 I was told that my attitude had changed and needed to improve in order to keep my job.
My last blog had over 300 posts, but I don't want to go back and analyze every post for something that could be held against me should they try to find out if there is anything that could be held against me. So -- I'm starting over. I won't be cowed. I can guarantee that with all that is going on, I will have opinions and many won't be popular with everyone, but writing isn't about being safe.
My new blog title says it all : Must WRIghT. For better or worse I'm here to live my OLW out loud.
You go, girl! It's so important to speak truth to power and now allow ourselves to be intimidated. I love the play on the word write or was it rite or right? Which one did you start with? It might give you insight into where to go next with your new approach to celebrating rites, writing your truth, and speaking up for what is right. Keep us posted!