Sunday, October 30, 2022

First Full Week

     I finished my second week of work, but my first full week. The list of what I need to accomplish is so long!

    I need staff. That is mission number one. However, I also need to keep the program afloat fiscally as well as from a program standpoint. 

     I don't know who to print invoices for let alone how to make the invoices?

    How do you check on CCDF payments?

    How does CACFP work?

    Parents pay?

    There is no real budget... just numbers of income and expense on a piece of paper. How do I know what my targets are and if I am hitting them?

    It's a mess.

    Then the staff. There isn't enough of them and the ones I have have never been trained. They pick kids up. The tickle them! They jokingly call them names that they think is teasing, but can seriously hurt the kids feelings. All they know how to do is "play". They really don't know how to supervise. They are not a team and call off when they "don't feel well" not caring what it does to the program or the kids or their fellow staff. 

I'm writing this so I can remember how bad it was when I look back from the other side. 

Remember what it's like when you start the year with kindergarten and they don't know all their letters or numbers and by the end of the year they can read, and write, and add and subtract and the next year you start all over again? 

That's where I am. 

at the beginning

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