On Friday I had to 'sub' in one of the 6th grade rooms because the teacher was selected to help chaperone the "Principal's Challenge" kids who were going bowling.
This year we started the "Principal's Challenge." Teachers set up academic goals for students to meet by the end of the trimester. Those who meet the goal are rewarded with a special activity. The first tri, the principal played minute to win it games with each class. This time all the kids who met the goal were taken to the closest bowling alley. They left about 8:30 and got back a little after 11.
Well, as an IA, I had to watch the kids left behind in one of the 6th grade rooms. We had a business as usual day planned. MobyMax Vocabulary, followed by Read to Self, a worksheet, and then it was time to switch for Writing and Math. I was in the room for Writing.
We are starting to study Theme in narration. I had to read "Hooway for Wodney Wat" and discuss possible Themes. Then I had to give them their assignment: they will be writing stories for Kindergarten or 1st grade and they will use animal characters to teach a lesson.
We discussed the choices of graphic organizers. And I asked for questions.
One child raised her hand and asked if "you had to have a climax." She was looking at the Rising Action graphic organizer.
Surpressing a sigh (we have been discussing story arcs all year) I explained that, yes, stories have to have a problem and work toward a resolution. Otherwise it was just a list of activities.
This is a long way of saying I've had a hard time thinking of stories to slice. I realize the point is to show little slices of our normal lives, but today
the sun woke me up before I wanted to get up
Hubby made me breakfast
We got groceries
We had lunch
We with oldest son went to local park. Hubby and I walked. Son biked.
Came home and started laundrey
Watched Fixer Upper
Had dinner and watched Captain America
Nothing inspired me to expand or expound upon.
So, I'm sorry. I have nothing to say today.
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