There are phone calls you dread making. Needing to talk to a parent about a behavior or educational matter rarely goes well. Parents push back. They blame. They ask what the other child did. They go over your head looking for a different answer.
Making those phone calls is as difficult for the teacher to make as it is for the parents to hear.
So it was with great joy one of the teachers I work with called a parent today. The child had defended himself and classmates through the written word in an attempt to get things changed for the better.
"WE are so proud of this child, and just wanted you to know," the teacher told the mother.
Mom was in tears on the phone and was saying she would make her son's favorite meal. The teacher hung up feeling pretty good.
Ten minutes later, the secretary calls over the phone intercom and said the mom was on the phone. "Mom says you just called, and she just wanted to make sure nothing was wrong."
Apparently good phone calls should be condidered hard to make too.
Bwahaha! You can't make this stuff up! I've been there. Thanks for the laugh...