Loosely based on the book Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life by Amy Krause Rosenthal.
Encyclopedia of Me: Volume F part 2
Fingernails: I have always wanted fingernails. Not the long, scary, Hollywood nails, just nails long enough to tap impatiently on the table. Alas, it doesn't seem to be meant for me. I used to bite, now I pick and peel them. I can try really hard to leave them alone. I can grow them out a little and add oil and push back the cuticles and add super strong polish, but inevitably there will be a chip, or the nail will weaken, and then I pick and peel, and it's gone. The longest I've had nails had been 2 months.
Oh, and I haven't really been able to handle colored polish. Colored polish is just a shiny beacon that screams, "Here I am! Don't you want to peel this color off and take the top layer of nail with it?' And my answer always seems to be, "Apparently, yes I do."
Flowers: I am not a flower kind of girl. The amount of money spent to send flowers to me could buy at least one hard back book or several paperbacks. Books last forever. Flowers are food for the cats to throw up. The water turns slimy. Flowers die in a short amount of time, but are background noise long before then. I'm just not a fan.
Outside flowers, however, are a goal. I just have no idea how to create a pretty flower garden to surround our deck. Lilacs are my favorite and we have 3 bushes. I would like to figure out what other flowers could go around the front porch or how to make our huge yard pretty. I guess I need to watch more HGTV? (see home improvement shows)
Friends: I am an introvert. I do not like to go out and meet new people. I am not the kind of person who walks into the room with a, "Here I am!" persona. I am the kind who walks quietly into a room and hopes someone approaches me. Therefore I don't have a lot of friends. I never have.
In High School I had a few close friends, but our paths drifted apart when the guys they were dating were doing things I didn't approve of. I started hanging out with my then boyfriend (now husband), and his friends, more and more. His friends became my friends.
In college I worked too much to have close friends. Acquaintances, sure, but not "friends."
Camp friends are forever friends. Living with a group of people 24 hours a day for 10 weeks, creates some tight bonds. We will be available for each other until the day we die.
As a stay at home mom, I became more isolated. I had a few mommy friends, but for the most part, I was on my own.
Once I started working at school, I gained some people. They were there for me when my husband lost his job. They were there for me when my husband moved two hours away and the boys and I stayed here. And they were there for me when both my parents died. Some have moved away, and soon I will move away as well, but even though we don't, and won't, see each other every day, we will be friends.
Thank goodness for text messaging!
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