Loosely based on Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life by Amy Krause Rosenthal.
Volume H
Hard Moments: Everyone has hard moments in life. The hard moments don't have to be negative, just life changing. Here are a few of mine.
Moving to Alaska: I had never been so far from home and family. We didn't know how long we'd be there or what it would be like. When we left, we didn't know when we'd see family and friends again. Being there wasn't as hard as I thought, even the 50 below wasn't bad. The dark all the time was the worst. But we strengthened our marriage by only having each other to rely on.
Delaware: Living in Delaware made us appreciate our life growing up in the Midwest. (see defining moments)
Parents dying: My parents died two years apart. It is hard to no longer have your link to your heritage.
High School: I liked my high school. We were the La Porte Slicers. I had jobs, and wasn't able to go to games -- not that I would have anyway. I did, however, go to the dances every home game. My friends and I and later Mark and his friends had a blast. Usually followed by Burger King and cruising Lincolnway. I was in the top 15% academically. I learned typing on a typewriter that had blank keys. I took 4 years of French. I took Math as far as Geometry because that's all I had to. I was in Choir. I hated Gym. I took Government in Summer School, because it was easier. I lost friends and gained others. But most importantly, I gained my soul mate.
Husband: My husband is my hero. He is the calming force in my life. He is the epitome of character. In the y, in the 90's there was the Character Counts iniative, for which the corner stones were: caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility.
Mark is caring and compassionate to everyone he interacts with. He is able to calm situations that arise in his job and handles them in a way that allows everyone to leave with dignity.
Honesty is as important to him as it is to me and the way to get him angry is to lie to or about him. He is honest and can be trusted without doubt.
Respect comes naturally for him. He meets with CEOs and politicians as well as tough kids and single moms and treats them all with the same respect and dignity.
Responsibility- When we decided to have kids, I tried to juggle having our son with us at work. When that didn't work, he supported and agreed with the decision to have me stay home with our kids. Because of that decision, he took on the role of sole provider for an eventual family of 4.
Because of who he is, heart and soul, people are drawn to him and instinctively trust he is doing things for the greater good.
He is a good man and I'm so proud of him and all he's accomplished, and I am lucky he chose me.
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