Tuesday, April 24, 2018


I experienced a milestone today. I rode in the van as a passenger while my son drove.

It may not seem a big deal, nearly everyone experiences it, but this was truly momentous. Our oldest is 20 and visually impaired. In order to drive he needed to be trained in the use of bi-optics and had to work with an instructor in order to pass the driving test at the DMV.

He recently passed that, and was waiting for the Low Vision Coordinatior for the state of Indiana to get him the aides he needs.

Because it is a government agency, it was taking forever, so we ordered parts ourselves. They came today and he got them set up in the van. A bigger mirror, a larger speedometer, and lane guides. We practiced at the school before having him drive us home.

He has been trained by professionals and trained by the state, but it was still a little nerve racking. I told hubby it felt a little like being Calvin and Hobbes at the top of that hill in the wagon. My stomach was in knots. I kept saying over and over in my head, "He knows what he's doing. We'll be fine. He knows what he's doing. We'll be fine." And you know what? He did great.


And he'll only get better with practice...just like any new driver.

So, we'll practice. Tomorrow he will drive us to Walmart.
"We'll be fine. He knows what he's doing."

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